How do you remember how small your baby once was when they grow and change so quickly?
This stunning frame was a surprise Christmas present for a very lucky mummy. A secret visit was planned in order to take the casts for this memorable piece of art, which captures such beautiful details of this little man’s hand and foot?
At Babyprints Bath and Avon we have a huge range of mount colour choices and frames to suit your tastes and compliment your style perfectly.
Claire Addley
Babyprints Bath and Avon
t: 07850 765470
e: claire.addley@babyprints01.ts4.testdigital.net
w: https://babyprints01.ts4.testdigital.net/branches/babyprints-claire-addley/
f: https://www.facebook.com/babyprintsbyclaire/
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If you are thinking of a cast gift, the links below lead to many ideas and product styles.
View many classic product ranges here
view bespoke designs chosen by our customers here.
Classic Baby hands and feet presentation frames
Rococo style Swept Frame presentations
Family hand print and foot print presentation frames
Solid silver charm ideas
Cufflink Ideas
Key ring and dog tag Ideas
you can also download the Babyprints Product Brochure showing samples of our classic ranges.
Bespoke family handcasting – babyprints.co.uk