Fathers day this year is on the 18th June 2017 which is a Sunday. If giving a gift, it is the thought that always counts and what a wonderful surprise if Daddy woke up to baby giving a beautiful father’s day gift with a difference.
Babyprints provide a quality personalised casting and jewellery service for all ages with so many different styling techniques the options to finish your product.
Hand and foot prints in solid 3D statues and silver jewellery is a great way to combine family members, in the bottom right image you can even see a baby hand and foot framed with babygrow saying ‘Daddy and me drive mummy round the bend‘ there is even a couple of photos with baby wearing the babygrow, see this close up.
All hand and foot prints are carefully crafted and each finished print is a true replica, the finished piece designed especially for you.
Leading up to Fathers day why not have the hand and foot print of your baby or toddler in a cast or jewellery gift.
If you would like to know more details please call us on 01279 656525 for more information or to find your nearest Babyprints.
You can also email us at info@babyprints01.ts4.testdigital.net
You can also find your nearest Babyprints by selecting your location on the UK map.
If you are thinking of a cast gift, the links below lead to many ideas in product styles…
View many classic product ranges here
view bespoke designs chosen by our customers here.
Classic Baby hands and feet presentation frames
Rococo style Swept Frame presentations
Family hand print and foot print presentation frames
Solid silver charm ideas
Cufflink Ideas (another great Fathers day present)
Key ring and dog tag Ideas
you can also download the Babyprints Product Brochure showing samples of our classic ranges.
father’s day gift with a difference – babyprints.co.uk