Spring has arrived and Easter marks this season’s most colourful holiday. Though your baby may be too scared to sit on the Easter Bunny’s lap for a great photo, you can grab your smart phone and take random photos of your own while your little one is enjoying his or her first Easter complete with lots of fun activities. Below suggests a few Easter baby activities to make the most of your baby’s first Easter.
Dress Up
We know that half the fun of holidays is dressing up your child in an adorable three-piece suit or frilly dress even the Easter Bunny with huge floppy ears, but trying to play in those clothes isn’t much fun for baby! Of course we wouldn’t dare say to skip it — take some pictures and video while they are all dressed up, then change them into something more comfortable that they can move around and get messy in. After all, they’re babies!
If you are really feeling in the mood to do something out of the norm (and for a fun photo), jazz up a cheap plain white onesie (maybe from Primark) with some Easter decoration. First, cut fun Easter shapes such as eggs, ducks and bunnies out of clean sponges. Next, dip the sponges into pastel paint colours of your choice and “sponge” the onesie or, use this as an opportunity to capture your baby’s footprints or handprints. First, wash and dry their hands/feet. Then dip them into the pastel paints, and blot excess paint lightly onto a paper towel before pressing their hand or footprint onto the onesie! Make sure you use a non-toxic paint that is made for fabrics. If you manage to get some very good baby hand and foot prints that you encapsulate your Baby’s features you could use these to have timeless solid silver jewellery made.
Baby will find you funny in a brightly decorated Easter Onesie 🙂
Fun activities with Baby
Instead of just buying a pre-made, pre-packaged Easter basket from the shops, be innovative and personalise one for your loved ones. On your visit into town today, purchase a cheap wicker style basket of sorts and some pastel coloured ribbons and felt or metallic card, at home you can begin to style up, weave the ribbon through the basket and it’s handle. Then cut Easter shapes — such as bunnies, chicks, and eggs — out of the pastel coloured felt or card and fix them onto the basket with simple glue. You can also find great little wooden shapes if you shop around that you can paint and then glue to the basket. You may or may not be artistic but it doesn’t matter, various stores such as the 99p and pound stores have Easter items to dress up, paint and use.
Fill your basket up
You now have your ‘completely unique to you’ and ‘beautiful’ basket, but it’s the contents that really count! you can style your baby’s Easter basket for his or her specific age. Since this is baby’s first Easter, he’s under one year old and too young for chocolate eggs. Instead, you can fill the basket with a soft and cuddly stuffed bunny, duck, chick or lamb, some teething rings, rattles and colourful plastic eggs that are completely baby friendly of course. Nothing smaller than a robust Egg so as not to be a choking hazard for the little one. Babies will love the brightly basket, contents and coloured eggs! Thank you Mummy and Daddy (in baby talk).
Next take photo.
While your baby is enjoying the colours, textures and pure artistic flare of your Easter Basket you can take the opportunity to snap some gorgeous photos for your baby’s first Easter.
Try and be creative with your camera angles close up and far away and keep snapping, you may end up with a few stunning pics.
Hide and seek
A classic Easter egg hunt can be modified so babies can join in the fun! Stick with large plastic eggs for baby safety. Let baby watch you hide the eggs under his blanket or an overturned bucket or in a large bowl. Then help baby “find” them by playing peek-a-boo to reveal the hidden eggs.
Simple Easter Baby Activities that is super fun for the baby and can be caught on camera for life.
Easter Baby presents- Babyprints Easter 2017