Every life cast is detailed and very different, design and styling is available for your finished babyprints castings.
Often finished baby hands and feet castings are best displayed simply, this always compliments the intricuite detail of each cast.
In the photo you can see natural finished casts set out with the babies name, heart shapes and Babyprints branding but you can change this to suit.
Silver casts and dark bronze casts are also popular, we also cater for Gold and Pearl finishes.
Babyprints produce a huge variety of stunning cast presentations which include families, children and babies.
If you have an idea that you would like to share with us, why not find your nearest Babyprints contact details and discuss.
Babyprints South Hertfordshire supplied the design in the photo, you can contact Rebecca for appointments and services through the Babyprints Herts web page.
Babyprints also produce jewellery, Hand prints, foot prints and fingerprints which are presented beautifully in Solid Silver.
Jewellery is a great gift for a loved one and is not just for babies prints!.